

Anonymity and 'whatev'

When I see from indicators on this blogsite that a comment has arrived, I don't allow myself to become excited any longer.  Most of the comments I receive are SPAM - over 95%, in fact.


However, I am heartened by the advent of the more English-correct, almost correctly punctuated, somewhat coherent (and less bungle-y gooped) tripe showing up, rather than all of the absolute stupid twaddle most SPAMming morons have tried to pollute the blog with.  But it's all just so sad and pathetic.  Sometimes funny (as in mock amusement), but truly sad.

What I find most amusing are the taunts from incredibly asinine, "anonymous" commenters, that go something like this:
"You don't need to post videos to get your point across.  WRITE MORE, you're good at it!"

This (abbr) message was posted to an entry which had no video associated with it.  What's more ludicrous is that I haven't posted a video on this blog in such a long while, I don't even understand why someone would attempt to have me approve some smarmy butt-kissing just to get their Trojan horse, spyware-laden ads in my blog.  Seriously, do you folks understand I am slightly more intelligent than the average shrub?!?

Somehow, I don't think that you do.

What's more disheartening, though, is that I'll probably end up receiving more glossy, suck-up BS in response to this post, suggesting I know what I'm saying and that they can't understand why I am not more well read by others.  But, if I'll approve their comment to add their penis-enlarging-site comment to my blog arena, they can guarantee I will garner more readership (and a chance to get a free trial supply of 4-6 extra inches of' please-her-with-more-of-your-manhood' pills for free!).

What am I waiting for, right?!? 

Oh, I dunno.  Maybe it's that I DON'T HAVE A PENIS!!!

Also, if you're going to send me an anonymous ego-stroking comment, loaded with spyware to a sh*t website, you're going to have to rethink a good portion of your game.  [wagging no-no finger in your direction]  I didn't fall off the turnip truck yesterday.

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