

Another bright, lovely spring day

Will there be a piper to pay in the near future for all of this delightful weather?

It could stay exactly like it has been for the remainder of the year for all I care.  Not hot (except for the upper 70s Tuesday or Wednesday of last week) and not too cool.  Perfectly pleasant!

I dislike hot temperatures, and I grew exceedingly weary this past winter of grey, doldrum-y frigidiness.  Something warmer than 55*F and cooler than 74*F is optimal; add sunshine, a drizzle here and there and you have the best weather pattern EVER!  Why can't that be the norm?  Where can a gal find such happiness?

Yesterday was picture-perfect, and I spent it with friends in Grand Ledge for a community concert, then at lunch, then in a quilt shop, and on the road.  By the time I returned home there was dinner to make for 'boy junior' and jobs to look over for a bit.  Then I capped the day with a smidge of daydreaming over what is to come on the large new quilt project (which I had a small angsty guilting session over, not having touched at all yesterday).

This morning, I settled in to watch Joel Osteen's sermon.  Once done, I began cleaning up the latest mountains of 'decision' I had created since last weekend; all the materials pondered over, cut from, discarded, etc., etc., in the pursuit of finishing up row one. 

I found I had somehow succeeded in amassing three separate groupings of material in different areas around the sewing area (and in it, too).  I really needed to get it back under control...and locate everything I had formally had in some sort of order.  I found things I knew I had but couldn't locate when I wanted it, so I now know I must be even more diligent about maintaining order whilst laying out the blocks. 

There was a lot to put back in order, too.  Too much, in fact.

On the plus side, the color pool is expanding by leaps and bounds, and I have worked my way over into the upper right-hand corner which contains a vast amount of blues, and several muddy reddish bits.  So my little one-inch-square spectrum continues to grow!

I have decided my aim shall be to stay pro-actively ahead of the color curve requirements (if that's at all possible with this monster), and to scope out the next 100 pieces to see if I have cut and at the ready most of what will be needed.  If not, then I will get to work ironing, measuring and cutting dozens upon dozens of little squares of what looks right and stacking them into little towers in my 'color palette.'

It's all good intentions on my part, mind you, so we shall see if I can keep up with it for the next thousand pieces.  The cutting is tedious, and I most decidedly would rather be assembling the silly squares than cutting, cutting, cutting.  But it has to be done at some point, right?  16,000+ pieces don't make themselves.


Enjoy your day, whatever you will be doing.  Revel in the wonderful weather!

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