

Happy birthday to my lovely friend, MARIA!

I hope your birthday is every bit as wonderful as you are ~

Maria and I met several years ago while we attempted to infuse our later years with more learning, and a chance at starting our lives (and flagging careers) anew.  She has been such an inspiration and a joyful addition to my meager collection of friends.

God has truly blessed me with such a lovely woman, and I hope to be more like her as the years pass.

Happy, HAPPY birthday, Maria!!

1 comment:

Rie said...

THANK YOU BETH!! My life is so much better with you as my friend. You are the mirror that I need. I went to school on my birthday, you know how much fun that was! School is over for me for the summer. I will have to reassces for the fall. Planinng my days for the summer let me know if you have any free time. Would love to hang out.