

Saying prayers for everyone this week

Dear Lord,

Please stay with my Aunt Joan as she recovers from gall bladder surgery (performed December 26). She is the strong one in her family in every way, and a huge help to her daughter and grandchildren, so this is a bit of a setback in the routines and lives of her family. Give Uncle Jim strength and guidance to do what is necessary and right to help Joan recover quickly.

Also, please guide the skilled hands of the doctors and nurses helping Uncle Steve as he undergoes angioplasty (and stents) to open up 3 very blocked arteries in his heart. His desires to refuse treatment are not in his best interests. Grant him peace of mind and clarity of thought to listen and interpret what would best suit his physical needs. Help him to see that your delivery of a skilled doctor to keep his heart beating is the miracle in all of this.

My brother went on a job interview this morning. Please allow him the luxury of being chosen for this position (or, at least to get out from under the bills and stress which have taken over his life and stolen his happiness these past few months).

Thank you for the many blessings you have given me in the course of my life, and the wisdom to start appreciating them (more) and seeing each for it's worth. For the gifts of friends old and new...the blessing of healthy, capable children - even with their issues, it could be so much worse - so, thank you. Thanks, too, for the working brain and ability to use it...a working car to get back and forth to school in...and a warm home to live in, with food on the table and clean sheets on the beds. For these things and so many more, I am grateful, and I know I am blessed.

Thank you, heavenly Father.

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