

Just two more days!

Be still my heart!

Love how the school is filling up our precious (little) time for editing our demos, with BS things to do. For instance - last week would have been the ideal time to give us a final. Now DblD wants to review with us (which he has been threatening to do for two weeks, now) - which will eat up time. Taking the test will eat up time! Just like the contrived 3-plus pages of a questionaire, and all of the explanation that went along with it did. PLUS...then the instructors were in another meeting - which seems to happen weekly during our time slot. That took about an hour. Why don't they schedule these staff meetings during the say, begin at 8am or 8:30...or even still, during the first part of the evening time frame? As long as we have been in school, this teacher "handicap" has always fallen during the afternoon shift.

Oh, and let's not forget the kickboxing debacle.

Anyhow, the pandemonium is in full swing, and it is bad.

Have a shiny day, and take care of yourselves. I will be leaving school and heading to my Wolfman Mac gig tonight. Shouldn't be as drawn out as last week, but now I am not the new kid on the block!

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