

The kindness of strangers

I really don't want to say anything, for fear of jinxing 'it', but the last several days (more like a week or better, really) have been tremendously beautiful - weatherwise. And I defy anyone to contradict that statement.

I have managed to get in some gardening nearly every day, or a walk, or just get my lazy bones out into the fresh air...nearly every day. Despite a forboding of not-so-nice weather for this past weekend, it was actually quite lovely. The rain which had been predicted for Saturday...then Sunday, just seemed to vanish. Huzzah! And we like it!

So, for the past several days, a fleet of tree-trimming fools has been crawling around the neighborhood, trimming tree branches (and sometimes, whole trees) which threaten power lines. These monkeymen have been scampering up and through every yard along the property lines, hacking and chopping and grinding. Funny to be home and see all of it happening.

Well, this morning I got an early start, and had fun watching the men in trees next door, when it dawned on me...I wonder if they would trim the dead branch still somewhat attached to the apple tree in the backyard. Poor thing snapped during a high wind storm last year, and the size of the limb was so big (and it was too green), that it was impossible to get through with a hand saw.

I donned my heavy duty boots and trekked off down the hill.

""Greetings," says I.

"Hello," one of them responded.

"Hey, I was wondering if it would be possible to have you use that handy-dandy chain saw on this sorry ol' limb hanging to the ground? If it wouldn't be a pain, you can just buzz it as close to the trunk as you can, so I stop knocking myself out trying to mow around it." Coyly, I dug my toe into the ground.

[blink blink]

And darn if that tree monkey didn't say "Sure, no problem. We'll get to it in a little while, ma'am."

Ouch! Well, that wasn't necessary.

Anywho...long story short...that nasty ol' tree stalactite is gone, and it does look quite a bit nicer. Thanks to the kindness of a stranger.

Thank you, kind stranger!!

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