

Up and at 'em, again

Rudely summoned to join the day by the alarm, only slightly after the girls had sensed my breathing had changed and that I was moving too much to be asleep any longer, I rolled out of bed and began to prepare for today's P.A. Boot Camp exercise.

Had to pack the car and dress for success....ha ha. Last night I borrowed cammo-fatigues from Brian in order to dress the part, but had a hard time keeping my eyes open to wash and dry them for the early morning call. Bleary-eyed I took the pieces from the drier and hung them for the night, then crawled into bed, falling quickly to sleep.

I still woke before the alarm, but didn't register truly being awake for some time, hoping to drift back to sleep. (It didn't work.) Remembering I still had to get the large cooler into the back seat of my car from the bathtub, and place the platters in the car, too, I decided to get up and get moving. While I had an English muffin and a glass of chocolate milk, I thought about yesterday (Friday) and how not overly excited or changed I felt at the prospect of being done. Must be age that jades us. I really thought (hoped) I would feel more thrilled or accomplished...but I think I am still too miffed about the price tag and the reality of what it ($$) bought me.

Yea, that's it....that and the fact I didn't get the time or working equipment to edit my demo piece to my satisfaction. And now that I have had a chance to see it again, without the cloud of an imminent due date, I am not so pleased with it. There are many changes I would like to make, plus add the bits and pieces to the video timeline which I didn't have the time to do originally. I had a lot I wanted to put into that piece, doggone it!

But, I did manage to enjoy the sunrise. The day was going to be superb, despite the weather prognosticators. I hope to be able to post a photo from the event soon. Check back and see if I manage to get a copy from the MPA website. Til then, have a great weekend. Get outside...ENJOY!!!

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