

Another little wallhanging

In trying to clean a little bit more, eliminate clutter and put things in order ('everything in it's place'), I found another quilt top I had finished quite a while ago.

I dug it out in late fall of 2007 to show the classmate who wanted a quilt made for her mom, using old **Sun Bonnet Sue squares she had from an aunt. The squares were ages old - some stained - but still usable. Through years of storage and lots of handling they were quite tattered and mis-shapen, but if they were carefully worked into something (like a wall hanging), sooner rather than later, they would be preserved for her mother to enjoy for years to come. Who knows, maybe she would even be able to pass the quilt down to my classmate! [**See the finished lap quilt (and others in progress) in photos posted February 1, 2008]

Well, the little top I uncovered is all in spring colors. The palette I used was peaches, pinks, goldenrod and yellow, with a pastel-ly orange, and very muted purple thrown in for good measure. I remember making it, and I remember packing it, and I was tickled pink when I found it again. And I am even more tickled that today I stretched it and will begin to quilt it tonight (or tomorrow). Either way, it is one more thing I can say I completed - and that is always a good thing! Besides, maybe someone will take a liking to it and offer to purchase it!

The measurements are approx. 45" square, and the corners are mitered, as is the quarter inch plum highlight between the border and the squares themselves. The pattern is a Pinwheel 4 Patch, and is nothing but triangles in two sizes.

At this rate, I will have quite a few smaller quilts and wall hangings to sell at craft shows and bazaars (maybe even the Farmer's Market in town) this fall.

Besides all of that, it simply feels good to be creative and to stick my fingers into that fabric stash of mine and watch something come together - it's like planting a seed and growing a flower garden!

Enjoy your endeavors, whatever they may be.

P.S. Apologies regarding the photo quality lately. I am using a borrowed PC and it doesn't have a decent photo editing tool, so I cannot make adjustments to the pictures as I normally would. Thanks for your understanding.

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