


I was supposed to be an extra in a coffee house scene filmed this weekend (for a production being shot in AA/Ypsi), but it was cancelled at the last minute due to the weather. There is no word yet as to a rescheduled shoot date.

Over the past couple of weeks I have sent word to a handful of people (former classmates) looking for some opinions and helpful instruction regarding buying a new PC or Mac for editing purposes, but have heard nothing in return....this has been very disappointing. I am under the gun to get something together and purchased, and was very hopeful to hear their opinions, so you can understand my feeling let down.

Had an interesting, albeit brief conversation, with yet another representative from that infamous agency (Igate) Mastech just prior to the holidays, regarding a temp job out of state as a Project Manager/Change Mgmt Consultant. OF COURSE I haven't heard back yet from them, and it's probably just as well, as the gig was in Arkansas!

This is the same company who found my resume online and had me interview in Feb/Mar 2008 with another rep working at Delphi, and they were very interested in me - oh, and it did look promising ($45/hr!) - until they took a step back to reorg the position...and then cancel it altogether. But it took me contacting the Igate-Mastech rep several times to finally get the word three months later that the position had been downsized! So I don't really hold a lot of stock in what happens when I get a call from these people any more. I just find it ironic that they were the company gedas brought in to off-shore jobs and cut positions years ago, and now they are calling me (coincidentally), an American "on-shore" to interview and fill positions here for them.

Still no word from the banker who was looking into my complaints regarding foul-ups and my extreme dissatisfaction with Charter One. We spoke (Patrick and myself) a couple of times prior to the holidays, and he called the Thursday before Christmas to say he was having some trouble getting ahold of the person I had complained about, who refi'd my mortgage. He would get in touch the following Monday of Tuesday to update me...but of course, no call. So I chalked that up to the approaching big deal. While I was away at Gram's, I was worried I would miss the next call, but it never happened, and so here we are. However...

Patrick did call one afternoon late last week, and Karl thought it was a call I would not want, so he begged off asking the dude to call again another day. Aargh!

You guessed it, since then, Patrick has not phoned back...go figure!

So really, no big changes.

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