


New baby - Congratulations are in order for the Stedmans - Tiffany and the latest cousin-in-law had a daughter over the weekend...Madison McKenzie. I can't even begin to tally the great grand kids, now, but I do know that there is at least one other cousin expecting in the near future (although I seem to remember there are two more cousins expecting winter/spring)!

Cleo is suffering with a good sized bladder stone and struvite crystals, again. The blood in her urine tells me she is uncomfortable, and her lack of playfulness (despite Hobbes hilarious attempts to lure her into a round of Box-tag-hide-n-seek) is another indicator that our robust little dog-cat is not at all well. She is on pain meds, and unless we hear from the vet today, we are happy that this is all and that there is no corresponding infection to deal with. She is a totally social little critter, and it pains me to have to separate the three of them to feed the special diet to her, and the regular chow to Flop and the walking stomach.

Just this afternoon Cleo finally ate a good amount of the prescribed wet food. She can also have [no more than] a 1/4 cup per day of the prescribed dry chow - it is terribly oily and not appropriate for the other two girls, so I am trying to be clever about how Clee gets hers and when I feed the non-patients. Her urine output is slow, but it at least exists...although usually tinged with, or full of blood. If she stops drinking and urinating totally, then it will be time to make a very hard decision.

Cleared the driveway - AGAIN - but the pavement is getting harder to find away from the house. However, as long as I can keep the snow level and smooth and the snowbanks wide enough apart, I am not concerned with being able to get boys to work or school. It's about all the exercise I am getting anyhow, so it's a good thing. It is invigorating (to say the least), and somewhat satisfying to see progress and accomplishment (and sort of amusing to bury Brian's truck at the same time).

On the job front - No other word from any of the last round of resumes and inquiries. It is only mid-January, and I am well aware if the current job market being slim pickings to begin with. So, no, I am not really expecting any sort of hiring miracle to pop out of the woodwork as soon as this (or in February, for that matter). Once new year budgets and 2008 taxes are out of the way, businesses will get down to the business of hiring (if there is work to be had). Until then I will keep trying, and will pester some places a little more than others, but I know that when it is time, and the right thing is out there, the Lord will guide me to it.

OCC - The boys have each had their first week of classes for the winter semester, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for successes there. Thus far the transportation thing has not been bad, and Mom's Taxi Service is working out well enough.

By-the-by...Karl had fun this weekend playing a Nintendo/Mario game tournament-style with several friends at Elliot's. Hat's off to Becky (Elliot's mom) for hosting the hoard of gaming dudes. :^)

Haircut - I am headed to the Royal Oak salon I won the $45 haircut from (through a contest with 105.1FM), and will have a new 'do on Friday afternoon! Huzzah! The perm frizz from the June attempt at a fun hairstyle is hanging on something fierce, and refuses to be tamed any it is going bye-bye the hard way.

And speaking of "goodbyes"...

Change - Well, here we are. Finally saying goodbye to the Bush regime. Hopefully the nation will begin to heal and grow, turning itself around with the beginning of a new Camelot. Mr. Obama promised we can, and I think everyone is holding their breath with hopefulness on the tips of our tongues that we actually can, and will, make change happen.

Happy days, people. Let's practice patience and tolerance and let go of bigotry and hatred. Put on your bias goggles and color blinders, and forget that the color of your skin (or any body's skin) or the accent in one's voice has anything to do with anything. It's no more acceptable (or intelligent) to assume that someones color should be a reason to hold them back - or exalt them to a higher lifestyle and presence - than should their religious beliefs or depth of their pockets.

Our president was elected to lead the country, to serve the populace, to save, preserve and represent America...let's help him help us!

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