

Working on that 'to-do' list

Good music playing in the background, the photo scanning done for the Schaffer project (holy cow - hundreds of pictures!!), Brian's at work for another 2.5 hours, Karl is in class (with a ride arranged to get him back home), I have taken down the ornaments and am wrapping the trees to go back into storage, and there's a load of laundry spinning as I type. All trace snow stopped falling about half an hour ago, so I may be heading out shortly to shovel. :^)

So, I am a hair's breath away from ordering the editing beast, but I found out that even saying "go ahead" today or tomorrow still means a two week wait to be able to play and work. Ah will be worth it; it's just going to be the longest 14 days ever.

Had a nice conversation with Maria last night, it was great to catch up. She is (of course) keeping herself busy, and has really gotten into paper pieced quilting. What with her jewelry making, stained glass work, quilting, making purses and bags, and now paper's a wonder she had time to gab. We've arranged to have lunch next week, following the taping of the show, and we have more gabbing to do believe it or not. She may show up early to sit in the audience and hoot and holler for the teams, too. Very cool.

Mom is on her way down from Marquette to spend the better part of a week (from tonight thru next Tuesday) with Gram, so the boys and I will go down for dinner one day this weekend. That's when I'll get a chance to return the 8 albums and loose photos, freeing up space in the library. This project has been a labor of love, but now has become two completely different entities and working projects. With the new editing system I should be able to cut together a beautiful short for the family and continue with my own thing, as time permits.

So, I am going to scram for the time being, I still have a little time to enjoy the music, plus the trees need to go out to the garage to hang loose for another three seasons.

See you in the funny papers.

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