

Tomorrow is another day

A few chores I have been promising myself I would get to:

  • Transplant Mr. Wister
  • Clean off the fridge (yes, "off"...not "out")
  • The banking
  • Vacuum the sheers - darned cat fur!
  • Sort out library and pack up unusable clothes for Purple Heart
  • Another load (or two) of laundry

Congratulations to me, I accomplished 3.75 of them. :^)

"How," might you be asking yourself, "would she manage to get 3.75 things on that list done? '3.75'?"

It's easy, really.

1.) Tick. I did get to transplanting Mr. Wister. A lovely little white flowering American Wisteria, which is not so little any more. I have been overwintering it in the kitchen window for two years now, and it looks strong enough to finally go into the ground this spring. In the last two weeks it's gone from producing one little new arm bud every three weeks or so to continuously extending the main stalk and forming several side branches (or suckers) nearly every other day.

We used to be able to chart the growth at a very slow pace, but now it is phenomenal to watch! Just in the course of one day we've seen it grow over an inch in height; and the last 6+ inches now has 7 visible suckers!

It became necessary to move it from the pot it's been in since late last summer to a newer, larger pot. I couldn't chance it's early demise when I am so close to being able to put it in the garden surrounding the back patio. The pergola was built with this wisteria in mind from the very beginning.

My only real fear is that I may not have done the best thing in sheltering it inside for the last two winters. Will it be able to acclimate into fall temps and then make its way through winter to the following spring? If anyone knows the answer to this question, please let me know...thanks. From the looks of it however, I can expect it to really grow and climb this year!

2.) Tick. Cleaning off the fridge is one of those things it seems you always need to do, and due to the fact that it's always in view, and you come face-to-fridge with it every time you step into the kitchen, it is one of those things that also never quite seems to get done. So I harvested the front and top of the icebox today, cleaning off the magnets and notes, washing down the sticky fingerprints, splashes of this-n-that (kids are amazing creatures), throwing out the old ads and menus from days gone by, and replacing only the things essential of what remained. It may not seem like a lot to outsiders, but to my eyes there's a definite improvement. Brian only had this to say: "Somebody was bored."

I reserve the right to (eventually) clean "out" the fridge at another time.

.25) The banking - well...not really my fault it wasn't 100% completed. Darned banks were closed for the lame holiday. But, I did get the paperwork done and get to the bank, so....ha!

Hey, and where's the Hallmark card for Presidents' Day anyway?

.5) I did vacuum the sheers, I did. Got into the whole thing, and was making great headway when it dawned on me - I should just pop them into the washer instead and let them air-dry after hanging them back up. The moisture would be a great way to add humidity, and the living room would smell Tide fresh for a few days! Alas, I already had a load of clothes in the wash and had to leave to pick up Karl not long after, so I figured to start again with new momentum tomorrow morning. Under the circumstances I think .5 is pretty reasonable.

3.) I did get a load of wash done - washer to dryer. I do still need to get down there to pull the clothes out and get them put away, but they are there!

My sincerest thanks to Scarlett O'Hara for permission to look forward to tomorrow.

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