

Happy Easter!

Enjoy my little Eater Hams - just a bit-o-honey from days gone by. These photos are from 1990 - 1995.

I hope you get as big a smile as I do/did.

Here's wishing you find all of your eggs before they begin to smell!

Ah, yes, and don't forget to check out the latest bruhaha surrounding our infamous Clarkston mural. I've included a link from the latest Detroit News article for your amusement.

Just remember to click on the back button to return to the blog (if you're so inclined), otherwise, if you "close the link/article (by clicking the x at the top of the page), must begin, again. :^)

FYI: Make certain to take a good-sized basket with you to collect those 'bad eggs' - especially if you're hunting in downtown Clarkston - there seem to be a lot of 'em hidden around the town lately. Well, to be fair, the 'egg' on the wall is a little too big to be "hidden."

One more photo of my two favorite "good eggs."

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