

Where does the day go?

It's nearly ten o'clock, and I have been all over the Internet, searching, applying, visiting, reading, ordering, dreaming, sending, asking, replying, exploring, improving. Oh yeah, I have been busy, baby! And while I have been busy, my friendly little woodpecker has been all around the neighborhood banging his brains out, but he is now back here in the large old maple out front, just going wild! I can't imagine there are many bugs for him to find this early on, but he stays amused and glued to his task. Maybe he is just searching for another place to roost for the summer. Hmmmm.

This looks as though it will be another beautifully clear, bright-blue-sky sort of day. Second one in a row, too. The wisteria is moved from east to west inside the house as the sun migrates, and it is paying off. The plant is producing many more suckers at each new juncture, and older suckers towards the top are sending out new growth as well, so the plant is thriving. Once I can get it to its permanent spot under the pergola, I can only imagine what will happen. Next year, maybe blossoms!!! But this year will really be a good year for it to establish and grow and fill out quite a bit, and it has a great head start. It only needs to get out of the pot and into the ground.

Karl has been helping by working on cleaning out his room a bit. His dresser was the target yesterday, along with part of his closet. I worked on the linen closet in the hall outside his door, so I think my noises spurred him on. Despite the fact he became sidetracked once in a while, he did fairly well. Although, when it came to his socks, he somehow managed to determine most of what he had either didn't fit him well enough to keep, or that he never really liked them because they were not thick/warm enough. So, when Brian arrived home he (gladly) inherited a goodly number of socks! Now to score some new socks for Karl that meet his exacting requirements.

Still working on the rest of the room (i.e.; floor and shelves).

I heard from Lakesha, as a response to a quick email forward (she was a Specs classmate, for those of you on the outs), and she said she's spoken with Dameon since he left the hospital. He's home and doing well, and that is good news! Thanks for passing that on, Lakesha.

Early this morning there was a lot of activity on the upper floor as Cleo lead the pack in pursuit of another mouse! Yes, she caught it, and presented the dead critter (in her excitement) with something hanging from it (near the head). No, I did not look too closely, and I had the lights very low so as not to wake the boys. It was probably a good thing to not have much light, too, as I am thinking the hanging matter was most likely innards or brain matter. Um, eewww! So, I praised the little monkey, then fed them all much earlier than normal.

Cleo's been looking forward to catching something for the past few days. She sits at high-alert-mode in the kitchen, eyeing two spots like a hawk, so I suppose it was just a matter of time for her before the opportunity presented itself.

Yesterday morning when I came upstairs I found one of the low cupboards open, and a box of rice on the floor, while a large Rubbermaid container full of flour was pushed well forward from behind! That container is quite weighty, so she must have been frantically moving around in there after her quarry (or the sounds of it).

Two down, umpteen to go!

Tell me what's happening in your lives, and make it good. Better yet, I have an assignment for you: write me and tell me the funniest old person story you can think of or remember from your own family, or of a close friend or neighbor. Do it soon, and I will show you why over the summer.

Have a shiny day.

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