

In response to mom's recent email



Woke up about an hour ago, but I would like to sleep a little more. Hoping that the paperwork will make me drowsy again (mentally, it knocks me out; the association is enough to make me loopy), so I am fixing to start on it fairly soon.

It was a long night last night; I jinxed it when we got to lunch, saying out loud that the first six [hours] went so quickly and I was still feeling energized. Woohoo! It was the wrong thing to say, because we ended up working hours over. [GROAN]

We had a noon to midnight shoot day, but we ended up going to 2:30! AM!! I felt badly for the owners of the house we commandeered. Killed two people in their lovely rumpus room and kept them awake - if not out of their own home - way beyond what would be reasonable. The husband was all for our filming there, but the wife wanted nothing to do with it. Their dog...well, the dog loved everybody. Anyhow, tonight is another overnight, beginning at 5:50PM. Ugh.

YES, I have the long underwear, it is warming in front of a heat vent as I type, and will go on immediately after a shower. Had new gloves, but last night they disappeared when someone moved my bag on a turnaround. Still have the hat, tho, and the gloves I arrived with, but will try to stop at a Walmart and grab another insulating pair on the way in. We will be filming mostly exteriors (EXT) tonight, with some of that on the river, so I expect video village will be fully outfitted with sides and heaters. Ah yes, and I need to grab another heavy duty mechanical pencil, too. Had my best working one yesterday for the first scene, but somehow dropped it (or had it "borrowed" and never returned) once we made our mini company move. Love you, and will talk with you in a day or two. me

P.S. By the way, Mom, if you read this later, I am getting back and forth alright, and we have a WONDEFUL locations manager who lives in (and knows) GR like the back of EVERYbody's hand. When I get lost, I call him and he guides me wherever it is I need to be!

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