

Oh, I know.....

....don't end the year on a sour note. Believe me, I am trying to find the good, truly I am.

Mom says "no prospective employer will hire someone with an attitude like yours." I [wait for it] am a "hornet's nest."

Really? And which prospective employers are reading my 2-cents-worth on any given day?

Hey, if they read it on a good day, on a positive day, does that increase my chances? Because, quite frankly, I was about as Pollyanna and honestly positive as I could have been much earlier in the year (for a long time), and it really didn't get me anywhere.

But, just for grins and giggles, here are the most positive things I can say for 2010 -

I had several paying production jobs, and one of them even paid me my worth (for eight days of the month and one week that I worked).

I met a load of neat people...worthy colleagues, whom I hope to work with again, sooner rather than later.

I had multiple successes as a Scripty (each job more challenging than the previous one), and a positive experience as Boom Op. Still hoping to be paid for 1.5 of those gigs before too much (more) time passes.

Karl has finished all but the sound portion of his final project, and the instructor has offered to allow him to finish and turn in the last two projects for grading!

Thanks to my mom I have a great car, and managed to work several times throughout the year.

I have great friends.

I plan to enjoy having my oven/range in my house rather than in my garage in a crate...oh, but that's more a 2011 thing. However, this year's progress has given me hope of that happening.

Convinced Brian to finally swap the tires on his car for the extra set (of new tires on rims) that came with his car (and have been sitting in the garage ever since) when he purchased it over a year ago! Also, Brian is still working at Michael's, and is shortlisted for a permanent FT position that is opening shortly. Both very good things.

I did finish a few quilts, although not as many as I had wanted to. I am pleased with my work, and when I compare it to quilts I look at - of some of the women online who have a huge following (watching and commenting, oohing and ahhing) - I feel satisfied that I like my work and don't feel as though I skipped corners to get something finished just for the sake of notching up another finished project. I feel that the quality of my work (in all aspects of the finished quilt) is quite good.

Yeah, I know that last one sounded like sour grapes, but I am ok with that. I am giving myself credit for my talent - what could be more positive?

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