

Cravings II


Seems odd that we have fallen into a weather pattern of snow storms on Saturdays, yet, if you review the tapes I think you will find we do have some sort of snowy-Saturday-weather-anomaly trending.

However, I think I can safely predict that it should be ending within the next two weekends.

That's right! You read it here first, and you can quote me if you would like.

If that prognosticating ground hog was correct, the six "more" weeks of winter he jinxed us with will have run their course by next Wednesday (March 16th) - but being the magnanimous human being that I am, I am allowing for inclusion of the weekend in that time span. I mean, let's face it, varmints (i.e.; ground-dwelling rodents) are not necessarily known for their time telling acumen (and I am fairly certain Punxsutawney Phil hasn't got a calendar or a Timex).

You are welcome, faithful ground hog lovers.

So, as of March 20/21, prepare yourselves for an end to these freakish, neverending, horrifying, tiring, snowy onslaughts. I am craving green grass, budding trees and pretty, pretty flowers poking their way up through the ground.

Craving! Do you hear me?!!?

And while I'm at it, I am also craving a GB & NF sandwich.....but I think I have a better chance of getting this whole winter's-over-in-a-short-two-weeks-thing right more so than my meatwich thing coming true.

So there.

I'm just sayin'.

Amen and pass the bisquits.

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