

Lots of everything

Yesterday was a busy day. Busy, busy, busy. What with appointments for Karl, Brian working, a run to the bank and the insurance office, and then preparing for the concert....holy cow!

Capped it off with a visit to Maria's while the boys were at the Fillmore (from 6:45pm on), and I had as good a time as they! Thank you, Maria, for opening your home and allowing me to stay for so long. We chatted and laughed, shared quilting projects, adjusted her machine tension and figured out some threading foibles. As usual, machine manuals are woefully inadequate when it comes to using them (for troubleshooting, maintenance, actual basic use of the machine, etc.), but I think we made some good fixes.

A-n-d, she gave me the most wonderful material sample books to pick through, as well as some really fun yardage for future projects! You are always so generous, Maria, what a gift you are. Thank you!

In my brain, I began scheming and conjuring up how to use these new bits and pieces, but have promised myself I would continue on my path of finishing what's already begun before creating a new pile. (Quite honestly, my poor house has no more corner space for 'hiding' new project piles!) But I am quite eager to use these lovely new materials, and I will let you know when it happens.

The night ended when the concert did. Bud called right around 11:35 to say they were waiting for a ride, and despite the fact he was/is still recovering from his creeping crud - and he was wearing a kilt - they were standing outside in the freezing temps waiting for me to arrive. Argh!

Kids, right? And these are man-kids...the worst sort. ;)

We wearily reached home by ten to one in the morning, and man, I was tired! The boys were jazzed from the concert and talked about the two opening bands and Flogging Molly from the time they sat down in the car to the time lights went out; but Brian was coughing again and Karl was complaining of a sore throat, so I ordered up OTC meds for each of them - Brian got Zicam and Karl the Airborn. Karl even made himself a cup of tea (very unusual). Not long after, we all crawled into our beds, turned out the lights, and fell off to sleep like boulders over the edge of the Grand Canyon.

Here we are this morning - Karl is still sleeping hard, Brian's up and out the door to work, and me....well, I will be quilting again soon. There are dishes to do and jobs to look for first, but it should be a pretty good day, there's lots of everything to do.

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