

Beautiful day

Received a copy of the final script and had it printed at an office supply store; tomorrow I will read it through and begin the process of lining and pre-timing. Will set up my book and get the master report pages ready to take with me to the production office so that I can make copies. Scripty work takes a lot of paper.

I have heard that there is a PC program for Script Supers to use, so as to complete the paperwork electronically. Very cool, but also very expensive. It also requires the use of a tablet or touch screen PC - another cost I can't see shouldering any time in the near future. Besides, truth be told, I would much rather spend all (non-existant) spare capital on a camera. ;)

Began cutting the first of the greens today - the lightest blocks - and I am so very happy to be moving on to newer colors. Before too long, I will be cutting the rest of the green requirements and the violets, too.

Seems like forever since I worked on the far lefthand side of this project. One-point-five squares to go before I am assembling row three!

Pinky swear -- on the next non-beautiful day (when I am not working) I will cut ALL fabric for this project.

P.S. More info and photos about the latest quilt project can be seen at:

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