

It's official

Brian is out the door and on his way to his new store as a full time "Customer Experience Manager." (Or, is it "C-E-Supervisor"? - I can never keep it straight.)

His excitement is tempered with the detracting factors - the distance of the drive now; the fact that the drive is a lot of two-lane back roads (instead of the pleasant seven mile expressway trip); the fact that his days will now be a 'real life' eight hours - or close to it - each day, and not the old 5-hour-day he had grown happy with and accustomed to. There will definitely be a lot more (of the same) responsibilities, and a larger slice of the managerial pie to swallow now, but he is up to it.

Perhaps he will find the commute a way to decompress after the day is done. Hopefully, the customers will be agreeable and the smaller staff less prone to malicious gossip and backstabbing. I know the increase in pay and the resulting benefits of a 401K (with employer matching) will make the rest of the issues seem less bothersome (or will at least make them somewhat worthwhile).

He's already said he likes the manager at the new store, and that he is thrilled at the size of the place! Despite the fact that this new store does less in sales than the store Brian is leaving, that isn't something he needs to really concern himself with. The possibilities are good to increase sales, but mostly it is simply a great opportunity for him.

It hasn't even been a year since he began work as a "seasonal employee," destined to be out of work again after the holiday sales had ended and 2011 began. But, the management liked the way he worked and the way he dealt with the customers and issues which arose. He was offered a chance to stay on and become a permanent employee right away, but then moved up the ladder very quickly through three positions of title to where he is now!

Recommended to fill an important vacancy by his manager and the District Manager!

Oh, Brian, I am so very proud of you, and I pray that you find happiness and a way to a prosperous and content future. You just keep being yourself and others will continue to see the possibilities in you, too.

Dear Lord, please keep Bud safe in his travels to and from work, and help him to understand Your hand in some of these events.

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