

Getting an early start

The golden sun has just risen to where it can slap the trees across the street with sun from the east. It only serves to highlight the color of the turning leaves.

Less wind today, too - yeah!

Oops! Spoke too soon. Looks like we also have clouds somewhere along the horizon. The sunny daybreak has just faded.

Itching to sit down at the sewing machine and make a dent. Yesterday was a lackluster day, as far as accomplishing construction on the latest project. But, I did manage to pick out the backing material (ouch!) with help from Barb and Jean. I think it will look pretty good as a foil for the front - it's more 'traditional,' with a funky touch. Time will tell. Sadly, I will still need to select a binding. [groan]

Lots to do today, so I am away from the keyboard!

Have a great day, whatever you do.

You may have noticed I didn't talk about looking for work, or job prospects, or any of that stuff.

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