

How to spend a sunny day in the D

I guess you know by now that the entries in the blog are fewer and farther between when I am working on a film. Between the long days and the travel time, there isn't a lot of time left in there to blog each day, but I will make an attempt to get a little something in here a few times each week.

Yesterday's schedule: lots of moves at too many locations, coupled with a DP who wants to prove his point at just about any cost, found nerves frayed at the end of the day.

First shot didn't get off until a full one hour past time, so we were behind the eight ball the entire day.

A larger than expected complement of family, and friends of family, visiting the set (because we had a large number of child actors to shoot) meant a much larger bunch of mouths to feed at lunch. They all needed plates and forks, and of course....the catering didn't have any extra on hand! It was a mess. A train wreck. Took an hour to get the last man through, so while it was nice to have that extended time to sit comfortably, it was still a detriment to the schedule.

On the flip side, the filming on the city bus was a kick, and I have to say the driver of our rolling set/location was phenomenal - and so was her counterpart. She turned that bus around across a broad major street like nobody's business, and her lead person kept traffic moving - or halted when necessary - to allow for all of the switchbacks.

I will post a few photos in a day or so. Enjoy your Monday!

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