

Home early

Yeah, right.

I guess it's all relative, eh?

Early for this production at any rate. I know I am going to hear from some of you, in some form or another, about not staying for the wrap party, but at the speed the grips were loading out gear (which wasn't fast enough) and the fact that there was SO much gak the art department and location dude needed to remove from the house and reset of the owner's possessions, I had a feeling it was going to be a long time before the party even got rolling.

I was (AM) tired, and driving the better portion of an hour - after waiting for the party to move - was not high on my list of priorities.

OK, I heard that in Clio. "Schmooze"-frooze [insert naggy schmarmy tone here]. SO wasn't in the mood to network with most of these folks (at the 'above the line' area - in management, that is). It wasn't going to get me anywhere, and I have pretty well found myself at the bottom of the barrel here in MI. Work in film is non-existant (for the most part), or so low paying that you lose money on these indie gigs.


Why am I still up and sitting at this keyboard? That is one good question and I will have an answer for you when I wake up sometime later today.

Good night.

Oh, yeah, by the way....that's a wrap!

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