


A few days this week I was able to keep up spectacularly well with all aspects of the paperwork, but was hampered in turning in reports by an MIA DIT person.

DIT = Digital Image Transfer.

MIA = well, that's pretty self explanatory, right?

Why was he the cause of unfinished work? Well, let me enlighten you.

There have been far too many scenes shot in a car, where the camera team leaves me standing on a street corner, left to twirl my stopwatch, while they roll footage that won't be properly logged or slated.

I need to watch said footage and get a timing for these set ups and takes for my reporting, and ultimately for the editor, but the DP is a cowboy when it comes to following procedure. He cares not a wink for helping me (or the editing process) out, so they return from these driving sequences with unknown quantities of images shot that need descriptions and run-times attached.

There are many workarounds and solutions to the problem that wouldn't be any more of a hassle than to simply do it right "on the day," but their solution is for me to have to remain well after wrap has been called for the day, and to find the DIT person and watch (in real time, mind you) the footage and time it for starts and stops.

Are they nuts! Why should I have to put out more free time than they are?

The answer to that rhetorical question is "I shouldn't!"

However, without watching the footage, I can't turn in accurate numbers or completed notes...sooooooo. $@&!*#@!!

Tonight and tomorrow I am pushing to complete as much as I can before showing up for day 17.

The end is nigh. Wahoo!

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