

To fan or not to fan

Good morning to Mexico and Nigeria! This is perhaps the second time I have found viewers from either of your countries. Welcome!

Well, if you've been keeping score you'll know, I am no fan of the warm weather. Anything past seventy-five degrees and I am a wreck. Over eighty and I am melting. Beyond that....well, I am literally 'toast.'

I don't mind working on something and getting sweaty. Sticky, icky, dirty. Don't mind it one bit if there's a reason behind the sweat.

But when you take a shower, and you're getting ready to leave the house, I see no reason for becoming a puddling mess simply because the weather is intemperate. C'mon, I shouldn't need a shower just because you toweled off vigorously after taking a shower, right?

I know...I know. I can hear some of you. You readers in warmer climes must think me a real marshmallow.



My house was built in the fifties, so besides forced air heat, there is no central AC; and despite several owners, it was never retro-fitted with air conditioning. It is now something I wish I had done FIRST when I had a job and had begun my remodel all those years ago. But there's no looking back or what-iffing, right? - because none of that really does any good.

The boys and I have learned how to endure and whatnot when the heat becomes unbearable, but over the last five years it's gotten so warm during the summer months that I broke down and bought a portable room AC (which really adds as much heat to the room as it cools and dehumidifies).

Still, there have been those summers where you just sit, sweaty and uncomfortable, wishing for November and hating the daylight! You beg for the days to pass quickly and for night to arrive just so the sun will stop beating down for a few hours.

On those torturously hot days we assume the nights will allow the house to cool off, and we use the attic fan to pull the air through the space, hoping to lower the temperature. Of course, that doesn't really work - part of the reason being the fool who installed the horridly loud attic fan never vented it to the outdoors, so the fan simply draws the air into the attic space, where it swirls and eddies, but never leaves!

See!? You don't have these issues in the spring and fall and winter.

We blissfully dodged a heat bullet yesterday. Somehow the completely unnecessary four-day-heatwave that was supposed to envelope us (beginning yesterday) dipped a little to our south and blessedly kept us in the delightful mid-seventies.

Yes, I called the mid-seventies "delightful", because given the choice of upper eighties and nineties or the seventies....guess which one I'd rather. Go ahead, guess. [grump]

However, today......

Well, today is a new day, and our breeze is all but gone - and the day began with the sun rising and the thermometer reading 75*F indoors already.

Summer? Feh! Still not a fan.

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