

Mistake, or MASSIVE mistake?

I'm hoping for neither.

I am here at home, car-less.

I allowed Brian to drive himself to work in my beloved John Wayne. Yes, 'The Duke' is in Brian's hands. [oh-my-Lord-what-was-i-thinking]

I had very little fear as he rolled out of the driveway and down the street, but as this first hour has passed, I have become more regretful in the (lack of) judgement I used when handing him my keys.


I do not know how I am going to get through the day worrying over my car.... (oh, yeah) and Brian's safety (and my car's safety). Those Fenton/Holly drivers are a rude, self-righteous, self-important, me-me-me bunch of road hazards. Entitled and stupid, and they're all on the road with my sweet little JW....and Brian (in my sweet little JW).

Did I make a mistake?

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