


I am surrounded by spazzes.

My cats spaz out on each other over any other cat who touches the yard and comes within view.

My sons spaz on one another for no good reason - and at a moment's notice. Karl spazzes routinely over online video game antics. Oh, the things he bellows at the PC and unknown/unseen opponents.

My mom spazzes during a phone conversation, and when I'd be justified to do the same thing to her because she is not listening (or, because she puts her own slant on something without gathering information first), I don't do it more often than do (neat spin on the phrase, right?), because it would just cause more friction....and I would feel the guilt for ages.

Directors spaz - in the form of huge hissy fits - and literally get in your face; and/or throw things (like hot set dressing and props) and spew, then expect everyone to completely forget the behavior and the scene they just ad libbed.

Yeah. Right. Not so much.

I spaz over stupid people behind the wheel of a car - and there are far too many of you for comfort. One of these days, I will be driving down the road in your vicinity and one of you will do something absolutely typical of a DABTW (Dumb Ass Behind The Wheel). I will spaz and you. will. know. it's me.

"How will I know it's you?" you wonder.

Because my mouth will opening and closing in your direction and then...SPLURT!!! My head will expode all over the inside of my car in a spaz meltdown.


My favorite kind of spaz, though, is when the girls (my cats) spaz over treats.

Treat time is the best time of the day. Well after breakfast and just before the day-long siesta, I will pick up the pouch of treats and crinkle it just a tad, and - shoom! If they weren't nearby at the time, within seconds they are gathered at my feet, prutting and begging for the yummy little snacks.

It's amazing what a certain sort of noise will do to a cat's demeanor. The spazzes.

What trips your trigger? What makes you spaz?

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