

Pseudo-breakfast. Pseudo-everything.

An unfrosted strawberry PopTart and a cold glass of milk. Mmmm.

Usually, I begin my day with a glass of chocolate milk, then work my way into peanut butter on toast and maybe a bowl of cereal. But my supply of chocolate drink mix was done-in by a rodent in the garage, where the pantry overruns are kept (on a heavy duty wire shelf system). Some little beggar chewed a mouse-sized hole into a new, industrial size container of Quik, and I had to throw it away! Argh!!

Can't call the insurance carrier for that claim - though I did consider it.

The sun is going to be sketchy today, darting in and out of the clouds, so I may end up turning on lights to get some good quilting done.

The cats are extra-needy today, and Bud will go to work around 10:30, but probably won't be home until midnight (long story). What those two things have to do with one another I have no clue.

Pseudo-writing skills.

Feels like there's nothing really of any importance to write about, although there is so much to tell. My time at Gram's, conversations with friends, stuff about the boys' activities, etc. But I just don't have the inclination to go into it. Sorry.

Well, if I am going to make any progress today, I will need to get started, so...see you in a while.

Have a great day!

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