

Well, what do you know.

In fear of jinxing it, but right now the blogger is working.  Thank you, google - at long last.

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Knowingly made the decision to not roll the AC unit into the house and set it up in the living room window this season, as we have for the past few years.  Crazy, I know, but there were many factors involved in that thought process. 

Despite the horrible grip of uber heat and humidity hovering over our state (much of the mid-western to eastern US, really), I have only had one moment of self doubt over that AC v no AC decision.  Today is really day three of the latest heat wave, but day two with the added humidity.  It's crippling, make no mistake, and weather weenie predictions have this hanging around until Friday or Saturday of this week.

We'll see.  It's being called the "air you can wear."  Very appropriate.

Anyhow, it's good to have space for writing again, but I need to move around before the heat becomes overly oppressive.  We have found a rather busy nest of flying, sting-y things entering the house through a crack between the brick facing and old caulking where it meets the wood trim.  Emptied a can of spray at them yesterday evening, but that only made a temporary dent in their activities....and hardly touched their numbers, I'm fearing.

I will keep you posted on that and so much more, but I bid you adieu for the time being.

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