

It's one of those neat 'nature' things...I guess

I have a Sweet Autumn Clematis that amazes me every year, and 2013 was no exception. In fact, this year that little plant seemed determined to outdo itself!

From my kitchen window I watch the advance of new spring growth starting about late-April-early-May, and I wonder how full it will it get; how long will it extend this year? Every year - EVERY year - since planting it, I've watched and wondered. And every year I'm treated to a wonderful show. Of course, I never forget to thank the Creator and Mother Nature for the bounty.

The oddity of my lovely floral show this season was that the flowers began opening on the first day of September, and by October first, the show was over. [snapping fingers] Just like that. Now, I will stand at the window and stare at my empty wave of green, missing my spectacular, over-abundant spray of flowers, and I will wait for next spring. But I know there's promise in the waiting.

Thank you, Lord.

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