

What a nice break from the routine

Yesterday was about as glorious a day as could have been - and is the reason I love fall in Michigan. The weather in Michigan is about as perfect as could be asked for; and the colors slowly turning on the trees (and other deciduous plants) casts such a lovely painterly effect across everything, how could anyone not revel in the fall season?!?!?

After teaching a class Friday evening, I hot-footed it up to Jean's for an overnight girl-gab-and-sewing-session, which became a jaunt to East Lansing on Saturday for sushi with the adorable, wish-we-had-one-like-him boyfriend of one of her daughters. Jean began the day by making us berry smoothies at breakfast :) then her sister, Anne, drove down from Traverse City to join us Saturday, and brought lunch with her - and it was delicious! Freshly homemade pita bread with homemade chicken salad (including spinach and homegrown basil), AND homegrown tomatoes to top it off! Soooo tasty! Thank you, Anne!

We ended the day with sushi for dinner and voila! "Perfect" doesn't really even come close to describing the whole thing. [contented sigh]

I drove home after that to work with Karl on his essay. He needs a lot of pushing and pulling and cajoling, and I hate feeling as though I abandon him (even though I know he needs to be more independent overall). When it comes to sinking or swimming, even though I know I give it my all, I still feel somehow that I push Karl under with a stick if I don't help lead him to shore (with regards to homework).

Anyway, we made a little progress before turning in last night, but now I feel like I could have stayed and played one more night with the girls and gotten Karl to about the same place today if I'd come home after breakfast instead of last evening. Ah well. If nothing else, at least I got the cat box cleaned out (and the puddle off the floor). That was necessary, too.

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