

Decisions, decisions

One big decision has been made; I am no longer going back to Livonia for the duties I performed there.

I have a small gig for the month of May on an indie short in Detroit (so, no pay and unrealistic expectations, without thought on their part of compensation for drive time or gas expenditures). Small crews of "dedicated-to-the-art" people think that you should be as motivated and psyched about their production as they are, and under better/normal/full production scope conditions, I might be more geeked and invested. But coming in to the fold so late in the game, and being relegated to office PA makes it tough. My interest on this project is in the connections alone, and in the chance to load one more line onto my working credits and on my resume.

Sad but true.

The production? The Wars of Other Men.

I received the infamous last minute email requesting my help on the project about a week ago, and with little notice, was expected there only nine hours later. I wasn't even looking at my PC the evening the email showed up (after 12:30 am), so to expect I would be there as soon as instructed was not going to happen. Um, how about a phone call?

I have been told that I would get a chance to boom op during the production, since there is a strong chance their current operator might flake some days. Always a cool thing, those flakeys. So, I will sit in the prod office chair - manning the phones and troubleshooting - and wait for the call to deploy and boom op!

It could happen.

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