

Making hay while the sun shines

Home for two-and-a-half days, and since the weather is heavenly, I want to make the most of it; I just don't know where to begin!

There is a tremendous amount of work that needs doing to get the beds ready for the growing season (plus, I want to get the seedlings started) - and I am not kidding about the "tremendous" part. Since the temperature is already in the fifties (climbing to the mid-seventies this afternoon) I shouldn't waste the time indoors. BUT, I need to get the baby quilt finished, and since I am home with my stash I should really stick to my agenda and complete the top so I can stretch it and begin the quilting over the weekend once I return to Gram's. The due date for the new little Schaffer is April 12, but reports are now the little bugger could arrive two weeks early, so getting the most work completed sooner, rather than later, would be the best thing to do.

However, the yard needs a good raking, and I still haven't completed my new demo, yet. I must sand and paint the bathroom while there is no humidity and the temps are perfect for leaving the window open. Oh, and lest I forget, I still have the garage in a state of limbo.

Thank God I have two healthy, capable young men living at home, eating my groceries and using my electricity to help me.

Are you laughing as hard as I am?

OK, while I am here fretting about the list, I am accomplishing I will see you somewhere. And I promise, before this day is out, I WILL get the latest photo of the quilt posted here. I will.

Welcome to April!

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