

And another thing...

I was really hoping to get some stuff done on my time off, but due to the never-ending rain, I haven't been able to get into the gardens or touch the lawn.

So not fair.


However, there is a riotous explosion of color happening just now between the virginal spring green of the trees and the flowering intense pink - almost fuscia - buds of the crab apple; the lovely innocence of the apple tree out back in it's pink-white veil, waving over the new growth of the clematis and hydrangeas below - it's all so tempting and deliriously eye-pleasing, ah...but so inaccessible.

It's a fair trade-off (I guess)...but I am antsy to get going, so enough of the rain already, please.

1 comment:

Crosby Kenyon said...

I guess it will be that much more pleasurable when you finally get out there. Raining like crazy here, too, but for me it's a nice atmospheric.