


Okay, so the last week is on the horizon, and so is the sun.

I've been up for a little while and have heard the world awaken (at least, in my neighborhood). A quick storm lit up the last of the slumbering sky moments ago, and I suppose I will just have to wait and see what the daylight brings.

I haven't been online or seen much TV over the last week, which means my knowledge of the weather forecast is (or has been) limited to what is printed on the call sheets, and what I may hear on the radio as I drive to location. Mostly, I just carry a sweater in the car (for just-in-case-chilliness) and dress in t-shirts and jeans. This May weather has been a bear to contend with, but as a Michigander I am (of course) adaptable.

We have a new caterer on set, thankfully, but it took several weeks of horrible-turned-disgusting experiences to move the above the lines to making the decision to change it up.

It took completely under-cooked (to nearly completely uncooked) pork chops - and a few sick people - to make it happen. The lack of enough food to go around several days in a row didn't do it...but the still-oinking meal pushed us all over the edge. Yesterday's lunch was phenomenal, and exactly as I remembered film catering meals should be. The food was Carleson-standard-delicious...and abundant, and it was the first time I can remember EVERYbody smiling and relaxed after our half hour meal on this gig.

The last two days have had us on EXTs (exterior scenes), and night shoots - and with no budget to play with, we could not afford a lockdown on the streets to keep traffic noise down while filming. It was noisy and awful, and besides the normal daily business traffic and overhead noises (planes, distant icecream trucks, etc.) we also had to contend with gawkers in very loud cars and radios blaring who heard 'something was going on' and decided to check it out.

Ah, yes...and two nights ago we had a crazed/drunk/high (you choose) lunatic drive over the curb and past the barricades to get into the set area. He grazed the grip truck parked next to video village (backing up at that point), and tried to drive up onto the sidewalk! Talk about surreal and out-of-nowhere. Our AD was yelling at us to leave the area and get into the building because who new what he would do next!?! After 3 or 4 minutes he drove off, circled the area a time or two and then blew away.

Ah, low-budget indies. ;) But then, thank goodness for the wannabe actors who peppered our set for free as students and zombies. It was fun for us behind the camera to watch them flounder and flop and growl and respond to prompts from the director and AD. I really think you will enjoy this quirky film. I have come to be fond of the story, and charmed by the characters, over the last few weeks.

That's it for me, for now. The girls have figured out I am awake and available to their hungry tummies. I may end up taking a nap this morning, as I am recovering from a headcold (which I mistook for allergy symptoms). I didn't sleep as well (or as long) as I would have wished, so today will have moments of laziness mixed in with the needful/neglected chores. Oh, and Crosby, if you are out there, you are right! It will be all the sweeter to get outside after the long wait and all the rain delays. I tried to respond to your comment days ago, but Blogger is still fouled and won't work properly - but thank you.

I still can't get into my other blog at all to write, and I wanted to post a quilting photo or two.

See you all again soon. Be well and be happy.

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