

A good idea

It's been some time since I've had the opportunity to make smoothies, and today was the day! I dusted off our trusty blender and went to town once Brian woke up.

After tidying the kitchen - and before advancing my cleaning frenzy to the bathroom - I caught a glimpse of three tired old bananas on the halfwall and the idea just clicked. I couldn't bear to simply toss them away, and the heat had already reached 'intolerable-degrees-Farenheit,' so making a batch of smoothies seemed the intelligent thing to do.

About two weeks ago I made a mad dash through our largest area supermarket and gathered a lot of frozen fruit and Greek yogurt, with the idea of making smoothies on my weekends off during production [but it never happened]. So, I was well-stocked and ready for business.

Five types of fruit, some yummy yogurt and a few ice cubes later we are mmmmm-yumming our way through 87*F+.

Aaahhhh. Who needs to eat when you can drink your lovely fruits and veggies refreshingly cold. Try it, it's a good idea.

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