


What an absolute fool I am, thinking I could just waltz out to my neatly assembled tool bag and find my assortment of wrenches waiting for me!

I clearly remember repacking it after the fiasco of finding my tools scattered hither and yon from various uses over the year - mostly on the part of Brian and his handy do-it-yourself art projects; chainmaile, boffer equipment, etc.; a bicycle repair (not really, but it was a good thought on his part); crude chipmunk-trapping attempts.

As I cleaned out the garage in fits fits of - what?  Well, just in fits, really.  I cleaned the garage in phases over the spring and summer, but never really finished for all of the sidetracking that occurred - like in finding my errantly placed tools, and so on.  I would then set about collecting everything and get my tool collection back in its rightful place.

Seems I should have placed it under lock and key afterward.

Now that I am earnestly attempting to fix the bathroom faucet leak (stream, really), and have finally managed to locate the stupidly placed shutoff valves for the bathroom sink (basement ceiling joists), and have broken a wrist getting them to turn off, I can't go the next step to disassemble the handles because I no longer have the correctly sized wrench with which to proceed.

NOW, I must dress and head out to the local hardware store to first buy a wrench (which hopefully will fit -- something a smidgen larger than 9/16ths), then come back home to open Pandora's plumbing 'box' to reveal the specific washer/screw configuration, then head back out to the hardware conglomerate in hopes they have the pieces I need (in stock), so that I can once again return home to finish off the plumbing issue.

I'm thinking matches and a little accelerant might be easier.  Can you have a "pre-fire" fire sale?

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