

Love me some Michael Buble'

Let's face it, who doesn't love Michael Buble'?

Oh, sit down, you, and keep your raspberries to yourself.

I absolutely enjoy crooner tunes, and Michael Buble' covers so many of my favorites that I fell in love with him years ago as he started out singing songs from the tail end of the big band and swing era through Dean Martin and the Rat Pack, Bobby Darin (yum), Tony Bennet, Rosemary Clooney, Satchmo, etc.  The GOOD stuff.

Well, last year I happened to see MB's televised Christmas special, and boy! - was it a stinker.  Trust me, I'm not asking you....I'm telling you.  The writers and producer should have been wasn't pretty.  So I really didn't hold out much hope for this year's efforts, but I watched all the same - cuz I loves me that pretty, pretty, Michael Buble'.

Oh, those Canadians (they had me at Nathan Fillion).

Anyway, I caught the MB second telecast tonight, but darn if I didn't start watching at the exact same point as two weeks ago!  So, I don't know how the opening went, nor do I know what songs I missed during the first fifteen minutes!  However, I did catch the Rod Stewart portion - and that man cannot lip sync to save his life.  Boo! 

Does he at least perform live when he's in concert?  I was even more non-plussed watching him lip sync the second time around, and it was so obvious and disingenuine that I found myself becoming angry.  That's not a good thing (becoming angry over a Christmas special), so I found something else to do while Mr. Stewart faked his way through a solo musical number.  Then, I simply ignored him while he and Micheal sang a duet.

At some point Michael sang a duet cover (re-worded for the holiday season) with a country singer, (Blake somebody'r-other) and vocally, it was a horrible pairing.

So, after Brian heads to work tomorrow, I am going to erase the bad taste in my ears and play a wealth of Christmas music.....sung beautifully by my boys (and gals).


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