

I know, right?

Weird is when your blog readership spikes 300 views in one day, presumably because of one three-year-old post that mentioned Craig Ferguson in the title.

The man is a demi-god, I grant you.  Attractive, intelligent, funny as the month is long, tall, sexy [wiping chin drool]....and that brogue!

But honestly, 300 views because of a title?

You people are funny. 

Sadly, the link included in that particular post was lost when the business hosting it went "belly up" about two years ago.  Sad, because the book review/interview with Mr. Ferguson was comic genius.

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day. :) A great, great day.  [insert heavy Scottish brogue]

1 comment:

Rie said...

LOL, I guess I am the only one on earth who didn't know who he is! I will set my alarm tonight so that I can see what all the hoopla is about! I can go for a good scotish acent!