

For you relatives who drop in occasionally

My mom asked me to write a handful of folks (relatives) to let them know how she was doing, and to also inform them that she would be offline and fairly unreachable by phone for a bit.

So I did this.

I was to let them know she wouldn't be jumping to her feet to answer the phone, and that sitting at her PC to correspond would be next to impossible for her (for the foreseeable future). I was to let them know this so they wouldn't be worried or offended or upset should they not receive responses from her in a timely fashion.

Well, I did it in my way, BCC-ing those on the list. It's just what I do (a holdover from my corporate days), and apparently some peoples took this as a personally pointed message - an affront, if you will. Their panties are in a bunch and mom is probably on a couple of poop lists because of it.

Well...I'm sorry!

If you're ticked off, if you're a little honking mad at my messages, well...then blame me, and leave mom out of your nasty little blah, blah, wah, wah sessions. Do what one person did and respond with a nastygram to me. I can handle it, and it's totally my issue anyhow.

But g e e z, try a little understanding and stop taking everything so personally maybe, will ya? The world doesn't revolve around you, because it's too busy in my orbit. [schmarmy sarcasm intended]

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