

That was an experience

I returned late last night from Grand Rapids, where I walked my third quilt show (although this particular show was a LARGE international deal-i-o). Karl attended with me, and I had the good company of friends Barb and Jean...but we missed my darling friend Maria.

There were SO many quilts, not just the contest-involved quilts, but three or four additional collections to view. Then there were the vendors; one for every brand of long arm machine available on the market, and three-hundred others! What did they sell, you ask. Well, if you can imagine it, and it has anything to do with quilting, sewing, needlework of all kinds (and some crafting, bleh), then it was there!

The biggest thrill was obviously seeing my "Peace Quilt 1" hanging on display, and I probably spent a good deal of my time just listening to the comments of others and watching them take photos of it.

Don't know that I will enter many more contests in the future, but I will make my way to see more in the future.

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