

Mom, call me if you need me -


Attempted to post yesterday, to update you all as to what's been transpiring in my life over the last week (or more), but blogger is again on the fritz. [primal growl] I am going to try and make this brief to avoid any further blogger BS for the day, so I hope you can read between the lines in this abbreviated report.

Arrived home from the U.P. two days ago in time to pick up Karl from his last day of summer semester. He had just taken his final and was ready to leave the building. He was expecting to see Jean there, as she had offered to drive the distance from Clio to Aub Hills to gather him if I couldn't make there myself. THANK YOU, JEAN!

Mom is mending after her [deleted for privacy's sake], that's where I was for the week. Besides that, the timing was right to be there for her birthday, too. Happy birthday, one more time, mom!

The week was a rainy one so I wasn't able to get out and weed whack her driveway (or around her flowerbeds), but it was neat to watch the clouds billowing over Lake Superior.

Brian is looking forward to the start of the Renaissance festival this month, and will be dividing his time between Lowe's during the week, the comic book shop in Fenton, and the festival on the weekends through September.

Thirteen days to go before the start of the quilt show/competition, and sixteen for me before I can attend it and then take my quilt entry home! Can't wait to see it hanging with other entries from around the world and from across the United States!

OK, so let's see if blogger will allow me to post this today, without issue.

Have a good day!

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