

Flying out of formation

Closing in on 3 solid weeks here in Grayling, and sometimes it feels like more, other times it seems as though it has passed all too quickly. But mostly, honest truth, it’s been rough.

It’s the first time I have been away from the boys since my Greek travel, and then they had folks with them in my absence so I didn’t wonder and worry. My time then was spent doing so much, and moving around every moment, that despite not having them with me to share the sights and sounds and tastes, I managed to get through every day quickly and happily. These days have been lonesome, and sometimes miserable.

It's easy to fall into routines and get used to noises, conditions, etc, but it is tough to do without things you take for granted every day when you are home and surrounded by your own familiar elements...newspaper, nightly news on the TV, access to the internet whenever you feel compelled to write or connect. The comforting purr of your cat, the freedom to leave a door open for the fresh air, full-sized windows.

I believe my job duties have much to do with my attitude for the moment. I am out of touch and discomforted right now, but soon things will be righted. The camaraderie I see all around does not extend to me much of the time, for many reasons, so I feel I am that one lone goose you occasionally see flying overhead.

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