

It's Monday? It can't be Monday again, already!

Well, I guess anything is possible. It is very easy to lose track of things as simple as the day of the week out here, especially when you work 7 days a week, and there's nothing to hold your reality up against for a comparison to check. Say, for example, the nightly news or a daily newspaper.

It has rained every day for the last 5, and even though there are brief hours where no rain falls, nature is cruel in it's humor. The rain will stop, people will remove their jackets and rain gear, and the sun will greet us through broken clouds. Just as we get to the point where we trust the day has dried begins again. Without warning, the fairly cloudless sky opens up and presto!

We'll be watching a huge bank of ominous clouds to our north, or west (sometimes to the south) slowly lumber across the sky, when we get blindsided by a sneaky wind slick of wet from a completely different direction.

That's something that bears mentioning...the ever-blowing breezes/gusts. I love it. My office takes full advantage with it's three walls of windows surrounding my desk, so almost without exception, I can expect to enjoy a breeze all day, any day. A major plus when your job means being cooped up inside at a PC all day.

So, Monday can just pull up a chair and sit down, I am ready for it...again. I guess

If I have to.

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