

Feeling rather down

My mom stopped by yesterday afternoon, on her way home from gram's, and I had thawed salmon to make for dinner. I was in the midst of vacuuming when she arrived (she chided karl into the act), and I still had plans to wash down the bathroom walls and ceiling before showering and visiting. (The bathroom is one of those projects I have wanted to get started on for quite a while - long story for another time.)

She suggested we go out for supper rather than eat at home. When I asked her why, she replied "if we eat here, somebody will have to cook."

Well, yeah, what else? That's as it happens to be more than 80% of the time. Why go out to a diner and be disappointed by cold fries or greasy meals and dirty silverware, when you can simply stay home and continue chatting without all of the extra room noise and the intrusion of the wait staff (not to mention the bill)?

Besides, I like to cook (hate washing the dishes, but I love to cook). And, she had purchased the salmon I thawed out that morning for there you go. The salad was already made and we were set with sweet potato fries as one of the side dishes.

After cleaning up, we went to dinner - the boys and mom and myself. She let Brian drive her car (which he happily did) and we went to the little coney island about a mile+ down the road. Thanks for dinner, mom, but next time, we are taking you to Lil' Daddy's - you will love it! We chatted a while longer, watched Julie and Julia, then climbed in to bed. She must have slept pretty good 'cuz she never got up once.

When I first woke around 5:15AM, she was still asleep, and all I can think is between the comfy mattress and the cool temps she was in a pretty good state of relaxation. That's all you can hope for when you aren't in your own surroundings. So, I rolled over and let myself go back to sleep. She woke about 6:30, and began the departure routine. By 7:30AM she was rolling out of the driveway after several hugs goodbye (that always puts a lump in my throat), and I walked back into the house to start my day.

The girls have been fed and are laying about the living room dozing on separate chairs. I've already thumbed through most of the Sunday paper; the rain has begun to fall again, the temps are cool (much cooler than they have been); Karl has had a piece of toast with peanut butter and a glass of milk; and the resident squawking chipmunk is on the porch shrieking that it is time to get up from the PC, throw him another grape and do something else. So, I think I will move on from here and get the day started.

Guess we'll have salmon for supper.

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