

It's a refrigerator once again

The dog barely made it down the stairs to let me know that it was time for breakfast when my feet hit the floor, because my bladder had already summoned me from bed for the day. The air felt extremely cool, and I liked it!

I heard the attic fan chugging away upstairs, and I could tell the overnight temperature drop really (finally) made it's way into the house and did it's thing! We might make it through the day in a bubble of coolness. At least it was not sticky from the humidity (for the time being)! The weekend is going to be very toasty and very humid, again!

All the way up the steps she mew'd and prutted and chatted at me, informing me that her tummy was grumbling. Of course, she was happy to see me (there was a "good morning" in there somewhere) too, but I had thumbs and she had a need for food.

As I got to the living room, the other two greeted me in their own ways - indifference and rolling over on the floor - and we carried out the usual morning routine.

After feeding them I checked the hall thermometer, and low and behold, we hit 62*!

In 6-7 months I will be eschewing any temp lower than 71*. Ah well.

It's Friday and I am looking for the CU check in the mail, hoping that today will be the day to go to the dealer and pick up my new car! Wouldn't that be cool!?! That is the one bright spot I have to look forward to lately.

I have chatted with, or emailed back-and-forth extensively over the last two weeks with, several folks regarding 4 positions on productions large and small. Lots of email, phone chats and lots of Q&A, all very hopeful, but yielding very unsatisfying results...thus far.

Actually met face-to-face with one person wanting a camera op, willing to pay $200/day for weekend shoots! She was very interested, and after looking at my credits and demo video, decided she wanted my camera work - but she really wanted my knowledgebase more. She wondered if I wouldn't be willing to film a short scene for her Sunday morning on Belle Isle to show her how I work and to see what it would look like, and then also asked if I would consider being her Production Coordinator ("sort of my right hand") to tell her where something may be missing or what it is she isn't doing right, so that she can learn about the industry.

"What would that be worth? What do you think I should pay you for that?"

Four days later she emailed to say she had decided to let a friend film her webisodes for free, because her budget couldn't handle paying for a camera person.

Then WHY did you advertise for one? Why did you put a bunch of folks through the hassle of driving to meet you for an interview...hadn't you freakin' figured out your budget beforehand? It's only just now become an issue?!!

For crying out loud.

Her email ended with "Good luck in your future endeavors...blah, blah, blah. I will call you in the future when I can afford to have you work with me."

Raspberries to you, lady!

I have been accepted to work for free (LOL) on a project on a one day shoot happening Saturday on the Wayne State campus. Imagine, I can have the "Gaffer" billing, and I get to bring my equipment for them to use. Oh wait, I get it. ;^)

As long as I bring the ball, I will get picked last for a team. :^P

Yeah, yeah, I know we all have to start somewhere (and believe me, 2 days ago I was excited at the notion of getting the working credit on this last project, but not at the cost of losing my EQ, or having it ruined - esp by people I do not know). I mean, who is going to pay me back or replace anything that becomes lost or broken?

Too much BS and disappointment.

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