

Woooo boy! The tropics have arrived

I don't know about you, but I am not a steamy weather lover. I have no memory from my childhood of this sort of sauna-like stuff, so what the hay?! There are remembrances of extreme warm weather, sure, and some intolerable humidity from time to time, but nothing like this days-on-end stickiness.

What about you?

Clearly, when children are released from their classrooms early in June, they are only concerned with NOT having to meet morning alarms and eating breakfast in a rush to get out the door and to school on time. Weather spikes are but a blip on their screens, and so it is my belief that this sort of weather is like an annoying fly to flick away, not to impede their summer fun or to slow them down in any way.

Besides, "stickiness" is a way of being for children, until they become aware of the opposite sex somewhere in their early teens, and then it is all about presentation (for most of them). That is when the stickiness factor gives way to odd grooming attempts and other peculiar odors. [more on that another time]

Yesterday was oppressive, but not as bad as we have ever experienced, certainly. And most definitely not as horrible as it could be (and might just be today). For now, I am quite happy with the overnight cool down - I totally didn't expect the inside temp to meet the low reported this morning by the weather toad.

68* is heaven!! Heaven!!!

Now, I need to decide whether to leave the attic fan on to continue to draw the cool air through (until the temps begin to rise), or turn it off and close the house up and try to contain the coolness (while allowing the lack of any circulation to make the house smell stale).


If I wanna be sticky, I can either head to the real tropics or go hug an 8-year-old holding a PB&J sandwich. Either way, ew.

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