

Things I want to do

...this year.

Things I want to do this year.

That's how that title should have read, but I am not going to adjust it. So there - nyah!

Side note: Foreigners won't get the sarcasm. Mom will get it, and won't much like it (love you, mom). Friends'll get it, understand it, and smile at it. I'm not sure about the rest of of y'all.

Normally (I believe) this sort of entry would have been more of a resolution-type thing, but since I am no longer keen on making resolutions (for many years now and for obvious reasons) I figured if I wrote this entry far enough away from the beginning of the new year, it wouldn't be viewed as a new year's resolution so much as just a statement of hope and determination.

A dream.

A deep desire to stretch and do more...become more.

Oh, but now I've gone and drawn that almighty invisible line from point A to point B, and some of you sharper pencils might already be filling in the blank page with an actual mark. Well.....don't! Stop right there and put your pencils down! I mean it. Don't make me turn this paper over!

OK, -

I would like to complete no fewer than three quilts this year. Not wall hangings mind you, but honest-to-goodness full-size, utilitarian quilts.

Finish the kitchen (OK, specifically the island and all of it's bits and pieces and the painting...oh, and insulate the two cold walls, too. No sense in making things unobtainable).

I would like to start and finish two animated shorts, at least five minutes long - each. OK, maybe three minutes or more (no sense in making myself any crazier than I already am).

Humph. [ruminating]

Well.......maybe one really good animated piece, somewhere between 3 to 5 minutes long would be a great start.

Put photos in the frames over the stairwell (to replace the ones that came with the frames).

Oh, and that wall also needs repair to a [nice] crack that has reappeared. Hey, is this a new line item or a continuation of the last one?

Silkscreen some things I have been thinking of creating for several years. Too many years.

Finish installing the wood floor on the lower level. 'nuff said.

Reconfigure the furniture in the lower level (and stop talking about it).


Be more positive.

Get the boys back into classes. (I can dream.)

Win the lottery.

Hey, get off my back! This is my list of things I "want" to do - and who doesn't want to win the lottery???

[taking a beat]

Hmmm...maybe I'm getting too far from personal accomplishment-type things.

Anyhow, this is my list of "wants - of 'dreams' - for the time being. Of course, getting work (whether full time in an office or more jobs on productions is a large never ending goal) and making it unnecessary to accept help from mom any more is the primary thing I want.


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