

A stitch in time

Worked on the Ohio Star quilt a little bit yesterday, but most of that work was pre-shrinking the last of the backing and border material and/or cutting out triangles for the extra border configuration.

Today I will cut the lengthy strips that will bound the interior rows, as well as the pink triangles that will finish the outer border. Hopefully, I will also get a good start on producing the final blocks for the border and then begin that whole assembly process. Keep in mind this particular quilt has just about doubled in size from the project I originally set out to make.

And for all of the planning and final tweaking, the changes here and there, I am coming to the part that worries me the most - it's also one of my least favorite portions of quilt making - marking the top for quilting. Finding the perfect stencil (or planning how to quilt the "sandwich") is like naming your child. I believe everyone has an Achilles heel in the quilt process, a least favorite chore, and this aspect of it would be mine.

Marking a quilt top is painstaking enough, but I can never get to that point without much debate, self doubt, over-critical over-analysis, and trepidation. Settling on the design is nerve wracking (for me), and I can take forever making up my mind.


If you want to take a peek at the progress thus far and keep up on the quilt in process (or any quilt project I have going), head over to, I post photos there of my quilt work. Leave me a note and let me know what you think.

Thanks for looking in, and I hope you get a chance to enjoy the winter warm-up the meteorologists are predicting for the week ahead. Cheers!

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