

Where to begin

I look around the house in the quiet morning hours and wonder "where to begin?"

There are so many things requiring my attention and time, and it's that age-old (or at least, my age-old) problem of choosing something - that one thing - to tackle. Where to start. Where?

If you've read here before you will know that my anguish lies in the flood of guilt, remorse and pressure of having started at the wrong end of the to-do list. Typically I will begin one project (large or small), only to realize I should really have focused my attention on another chore (or two) and left activity one to another time, and so I stop doing whatever it is (usually before I have successfully completed it) to stew about the lost time and inactivity of not having worked on another needful undone something.

Did you follow all of that?

At any rate, I now sit in thought as to what I should do to begin the day to make the best use of the gorgeous sunlit hours.

Oh, what's that? I heard someone yell "make a list."

Well, for your information, I have a list...and it doesn't help. I want to accomplish all of the items on my list, but where do I begin? Even if I pare out those things that can't be done outdoors until the weather improves, I am still left with a huge amount of things to weed through and decide from.

There are multiple items on my list which hinge on other activities happening first to make it possible to work on those items of needful doing...but of course, I can't work on them because I haven't the cash to make any of those things happen.

Perhaps I should work on the list itself!? I could refine it to represent outdoor activities, monetarily motivated activities, daily activities, fun activities, and so on. Hmmm.

There are things I would love to do if only those things didn't involve making noise (which would wake the boys). Of course, it is late enough in the morning that they should be up anyway.

So maybe that is the first thing I will stop feeling badly about - the possibility of waking the boys - and just start living my life my way.

There's a novel approach on where exactly to begin!

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